When are conducting balloon flights?
We are offering flights all over the year and the conducting depends mostly on the weather conditions at the current day. Usually we are flying early in the morning, but it's possible also sometimes in the evenings, in the hours before sunset.
Why flights are conducting mostly early in the morning?
Early in the morning, weather conditions are most convenient for flying with hot air balloon. Тhe sun is increasing during the day and heats the ground and the surface layer of air, due to that are forming ascending and descending air flows , which makes difficulties to control the balloon flight.
How long is the flight?
Standard flight lasts one hour, which may vary slightly depending on the available landing spots and possible weather changes. Shorter or longer flights are possible by arrangement.
Where is the takeoff?
Possible takeoff spots are located all across Bulgaria, but most often we are flying near Varna city, the northern coast, near the towns of Shumen, Veliko Tarnovo, Sofia and Plovdiv. The exact place and time of flight will be determined by preliminary discussion as our goal is to choose the most beautiful and interesting places convenient for hot air ballooning.
Where is the landing?
Hot air balloons are moving with the ambient air. The landing spot is calculating with relative accuracy, which is bringing an element of adventure on each flight. During the flight, our supporting team follows the balloon and will be available after landing, to cheer a toast. After the packing of the equipment we return to the place of the take off.
How to make a present/ book a flight?
After you select the desired type of flight, you need to fill in the online application. Soon you will receive a confirmation from our side and then you can arrange the necessary payment. After that you will receive your certificate / voucher and we will contact you for final details and clarifications. The whole procedure can be done by phone and using the services of a courier.
How to reach the flight spot?
The place of the take off is determined in preliminary discussion. You have to reach it with your own transport. If you do not have one, we can assist you. Service '' transport '' is not included in the price of the flight.
How high and how far we fly?
The high can vary from very close to the surface up to several hundred meters above, depending on the weather and airspace restrictions. During the standard flight we usually flit several kilometers (5-10).
How many passengers are in the basket?
We use balloons of different capacity, but most often during the standard flight there are three or four passengers plus the pilot. During the VIP flight in the basket are you and your beloved plus the pilot.
Which are the appropriate clothes for the flight?
Suitable are all kind of clothes, but should be considered the low temperatures early in the morning. We waterproof shoes because of the morning dew. Heels are not allowed (except wedding shoes).
Can anyone fly with a hot air balloon?
With hot air balloon can fly anyone who is able to get into the basket and stand for one hour. In some individual cases is possible to organize flights for people with mobility problems. We do not recommend flying of women in advanced pregnancy. Children must have a minimum height of 130 cm, in order to be able to see over the edge of the basket.
Is it dangerous to fly with hot air balloon?
Hot air ballooning is one of the safest air sports. It is necessary to follow strictly the rules and safety standards. If this is done, it is enjoyable and safety.
What to do if in the agreed day the weather is bad?
Although we use the best estimates and our knowledge is accumulated over the years, in the appointed day the weather may change that can make it impossible to conduct the flight. In such case, we will negotiate another day and time, convenient for both parties. If there is no such opportunity, your paid will be refund.
Can flight be cancelled?
Yes, the flight can be canceled up to three days before the agreed day and the entire amount will be refund. If the cancellation is between this period and 24 hours before the flight we can restore half of the amount. If you cancel flight in the last 24 hours, we will not be able to return the amount.
If you have some other questions, please contact us.